♥ Hello blog and my dear readers! ♥
I am in the healthy mood today again and as you see from name of the post it is going to be about breakfast.
What I usually eat for breakfast? Good question!
First of all I am trying to never skip breakfast! It is rule number one for me!
First I always have black coffee for breakfast (no sugar or its substitutes and no milk).
Then I have yogurt with granola or omelet with spinach, or porridge with honey or something else, depends what mood i get up with!)
So today's breakfast is....ta-dah.....
Healthy morning breakfast option by Alina
- glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
- fresh cucumber
- wholemeal crisp roll with fish pate and rocket leaves
- boiled egg with sprinkles of pepper, sea salt and paprika
- vitamins (I take A,C, E and selenium)
Also while eggs was boiling me and Cillian were playing with his amazing train track set (if you wondering where it is from - IKEA).
By the I doing really little of handmade stuff, I am really sorry for that, and slowly but surely I am working (finishing) few bits and bobs and mite show you something very soon!
Moreover I probably wont have internet for a while when we move to new house (it is going to happen very soon - next week I'd say), so I'll try to do my weight journey updates, posts and stuff somehow, but not promising anything!
Hope everyone doing very well,
sorry for such a long post!
Froggy xxx