
Thursday, June 30, 2011


Just a quick post! :) Made this for myself, really wanted to make this corset belt for ages, but couldnt find a yarn for it. And went to a local shop and got very cheap yarn (1.25 Euro per 25g ball). So I got 2 balls and decided to crochet this piece. Started yesterday and finished today. Quick and easy! :)

And made lovely cupcakes today! They are Peach Cupcakes with Green Icing and slice of Peach on the top! Yum! Just had few with coffee,mmm...Reciepe is from 'Cupcakes and Muffins' book!

Happy crafting,

Froggy XXX

Monday, June 27, 2011

Productive Saturday or how I killed my lazyness!

Had very productive Saturday last weekend! Why you would ask? Cause I actually grabbed myself and put myself into work! :) Finished my Steel Pullover, quick and easy and definatelly wearable! Got yarn ages ago and didnt know what Im going to do with it. But when I saw this pattern on Raverly, I thought Yes! Thats it!!! :)
Its very hard to get the color right with camera, but I was trying hard!

 And heres my happy round smiley face with new pullover! :)))
You think that all Im showing? NO, no, no!!! Had steel crochet hooks, and got polymer clay! know what I mean, yeah? Yes, I made handles with polymer clay for my crochet hooks. Love it!!! Have original hooks now (I love knitting too, but CROCHET is my favorite!!!) Maybe they have mistakes, but I love them so much. Yay, more crochet works ahead! And by the way they very comfy to hold now! :)

And what else, when I made my hooks, I back crocheting my Prepster Jacket (from Debbie Stoller's 'Happy Hooker' book). See where hooks lying, thats it, this is piece of it! Im nearly finished, only sleeves and pockets left, and putting everything together of course. So soon I be sharing it here. Yay, cant wait to finish!
So thats my news for now!
Keep on crafting people!

Froggy XXX

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Blog turned 1 today! Happy anniversary for me!!!

Yes, as you see from the post, my blog is 1 YEAR OLD TODAY!!! Cant believe a year gone since I've created it! So happy happy days!
Want to sorry straight away, but I wont be doing any Giveaways or something like that,as I saw so many girls, which blogs Im reading doing. Why? Because I literally have no time to prepare something for giveaway, and second thing is that my finacial situation is not good at the moment! :( So I leave it for now, but I promise that I organize Giveaway as soo as I can!!!
So happy anniversary my dear Blog!!!

In conclusion would like to THANK ALL MY READERS AND VISITORS for being with me and my blog all this year!!! Thanks that you all ARE!!!

Always your FROGGY XXX

P.S. For my Blog anniversary I made Lemon and Lime Cupcakes! Yum!
Cupcakes are from the pack, but icing I made myself! Its very simple: you just need 4 teaspoons of soft butter, 85 g of icing sugar, grated rind of 1 lime, and lemon juice! Mix it up and spread it over your cupcakes! Enjoy!

Witch Hood and Elise Shawl

OOOps! Wasnt blogging for a while, was busy enjoying my baby growing and bits of summer! :) But honestly I was working on some pieces. Made nice chocolate brown witchy cowl with hood for myself, as well made Elise shawl! Happy with both results! And what more happend to me, I got big bag of Fimo Clay and practicing to do buttons, jewellery and loads of small things! :) Its sooo much fun! Will share my works soon, im just begginer at the moment! :)
So here my master pieces! :)))
Witch Wanderer Hooded Cowl! Patern is from Raverly (my favorite website at the moment!) and you can find pattern here. By the way, Im in love with buttons, my best friend Lina got them for me, which makes this hood more special for me!

And lovely and so quick and easy Elise Shawl! LOve it (going to make it one more time, but from lighter wool!)

So thats my sharings for now, hope everyone doing well and enjoying the summer! We  have really crapy one, but me and Cillian still enjoying it! :)

Happy crafting!

Froggy XXX

P.S. me with Elise shawl, love the color of yarn by the way :)))

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Yay! As you see from the name of the post my few works got framed! My dear father made them frames for me, and I just love them! First is my work 'Fairy with baby', probably is my favorite work, cause I stitched it for my preciuos boy Cillian.
Frame is made from oak, nice and simple, love it!
And second framed work is my Momiji doll, which I stitched ages ago, I even forgot that I have it! :)
Going to hang it near my doll collection!
This frame is made from bamboo, and I this goes great with it!
By the way I never told father what I want, I just gave him my works! And he made me savage frames! Love them so much! Thanks Papa!!!

More works in progress, so please come to visit me again. I will have more to show!

As always yours FROGGY XXX


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